Some frequently asked questions

–  Are you active throughout Italy?

Our activity takes place throughout the national territory. Each region, without exception, refers to one of our offices. Our offices in Milan, Florence and Rome are the reference point for the North, Center and South of the national territory. The relative references are present in the contacts section.

–  Having one or more companies abroad, is it possible to have your consultancy on-site?
We provide consultancy also at the foreign branches of Italian companies. In this case, the reference language is English, while for other languages, interpreting services may be used.

– How are managed travel costs for consultants?
For all the interventions carried out on the national territory, the travel costs, of any kind, are included in the overall agreed payment. Travel, accommodation, meals and any other costs will not be charged. The same conduct is valid for travel times that are never counted. For transfers abroad, a different and specific administration is agreed with the customer according to the destination country.

– Meetings and initial analyzes carried out to assess the actions have a cost?
Every activity carried out to evaluate the project is absolutely free for the client. Only after the start of a project, agreed and signed with the company, can start activities that have a cost.

– A started project can be interrupted and for what reasons?
According to our working methods, the relationship is never binding. The client is always free to interrupt the activity when it deems it appropriate, even if this depends on its own problems happened later.

– How is it possible for an external consultant to know the problems of a company?
The consultant is not an expert in content, but in methods. He applies analysis procedures and mental processes, which blend with the contents of which the company is custodian. The value provided by the consultant consists in creating a union between the methods that he provides and the contents he finds. The external consultant, free from the conditionings originating from the company’s history and experience, manages to focus clearly on the existing situation and its areas of improvement.

– Does an intervention involve a high commitment of human resources for the company?
During the interventions the company must continue its activity without slowing down. The experience of the consultant allows to measure the contributions required to individual human resources, so as not to cause any hindrance to the daily activity. It is therefore not a problem of quantity of effort for the intervention, but of its timing and its modality. Everything is always agreed with the individual resources in a flexible way, avoiding moments of overload and obstruction. Also the number of resources employed at the same time is limited to what is indispensable, preferring to work with a few people at the same time. When group work is needed, generally looking for solutions, time is limited to what is essential.

– Are senior consultants with experience or young junior involved for the interventions?
All our professionals are senior with a long and proven experience. In the case of intervention by young juniors, they only operate under the direction and supervision of senior consultants, who remain responsible and representative for the project.

– How do you select the professionals you employ?
The professionals we employ are selected and evaluated accurately. Attention is not only to the professional skills, but also and above all to their ability to conform to the way we operate: attention, therefore, to the technical aspect, but also and above all to the behavioral and ethical aspect.

– How many professionals is your staff composed of?
There is no fixed number of professionals. Our structure is streamlined and modular and is tailored to the needs of individual projects. The professionals that gravitate around our structure are however always homogeneous to the way we operate and think.

– How long do the interventions last?
The duration of the interventions is extremely variable and depends on the individual projects. Sometimes the intervention is really spot, running out in a single day, to evaluate individual decisions or focus on certain situations. In other cases there are interventions that last months, sometimes up to a year, for situations of corporate reorganization or major changes in management. Most projects have a duration of several months, obviously referring from the start to the end of the project and not to the total number of intervention days.

– Today innovation and creativity are fundamental for a company. How does all this fit into your interventions?
In the current world, characterized by strong competitiveness, rapid and unpredictable changes, scenarios that are constantly changing, being innovative and creative is essential. This means not only inventing new things and modifying existing ones, but also and above all being receptive to changes and flexible adaptation. All these issues and these aspects are constantly present in our projects. Sometimes, however, this is precisely the theme of the project, globally incorporating culture, procedures, processes and structures into the company that create and facilitate change and innovation.

– If we want to access public procurements to finance the interventions, do you manage the related practices or otherwise support the company in their bureaucratic process?
Our activity does not include the study of financial benefit, the preparation of documentation to participate in calls and the management of the practice. However, we collaborate with the companies, or with the professionals who assist them in these matters, to prepare technical reports on the intervention, description of the projects and anything else necessary that falls within our sphere of activity.

– Are there areas in which you do not do business?
Our activity is limited to the management areas described in the appropriate section of the site. Within those areas we are extremely flexible in adapting to the specific issues requested by the client. However, we do not carry out activities outside those areas, and therefore do not cover, for example, the following issues: legal, tax, quality certification, safety, environment, IT, search for ordinary or subsidized loans, production.